Sunday, September 1, 2013

My eggcellent Breakfast

 As Showgirls we need to stay healthy and in shape to fit into those barely there costumes. I personally like to have a more muscular build rather than a thin build, so in addition to my gym time I try to eat according to my needs. Eggs provide a great source of protein, and protein is an extremely powerful component of any fat-loss or muscle building diet. Today I will share with you my protein powder scrambled egg recipe that keeps me full for hours and gives my body just what it needs

What you will need:
-4 eggs
-1/4 cup 2% milk
-1/2 scoop flavorless protein powder
-Nonstick sauté pan
-Small bowl
-rubber spatula

Note: I like to use organic eggs. Organic eggs are laid from hens that may be kept in any kind of caging system, but generally are cage free. Eating organic eggs is a good way to minimize risk of exposure to antibiotics, or synthetic hormones and pesticides while obtaining a healthy dose of nutrients.

Step 1:
Heat a heavy-bottomed nonstick sauté pan over medium-low heat. I coat the pan with spray cooking butter
Step 2:
Add the milk to the eggs and protein powder in a small bowl (season to taste with salt and pepper if desired). Then, grab your whisk and whisk like crazy. You're going to want to work up a sweat here as you're trying to beat as much air as possible into the eggs.

Step 3:
When the butter in the pan is hot pour in the eggs. Don't stir! Let the eggs cook for up to a minute or until the bottom starts to set.With a heat-resistant rubber spatula, gently push one edge of the egg into the center of the pan, while tilting the pan to allow the still liquid egg to flow in underneath. Repeat with the other edges, until there's no liquid left. Turn off the heat and continue gently stirring and turning the egg until all the uncooked parts become firm. Try to keep the curds as large as possible

Step 4:
Transfer to a plate when the eggs are set but still moist and soft. Eggs are delicate, so they'll continue to cook for a few moments after they're on the plate. Now you can enjoy. I add ketchup, because I personally am not  big fan of eggs... I just know that they are good for me so I make it happen anyways.

 I don't need to accompany my eggs with anything else because 4 eggs on their own fills me up in the morning. I do however always start my day with a large glass of water and my daily vitamins.

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