Friday, August 16, 2013

Showgirl Supplements

So us showgirls can be 18 years old and have the bodies of 60 year olds. After 10 years of show skating I have found daily supplementation is mandatory. Years of training and falling and abuse eventually takes it's toll on your body. Here is my personal list of the basic supplements that I take every day to help keep my body working properly, and to help keep my limbs from detaching.

These are the exact products I purchase on the regular:

First off is a Fish Oil.......

This is a GNC product to help with my joints. My knee surgeon suggested Krill Oil as the best type of fish oil for my bodies needs. It delivers superior omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, compared to other omega-3 source. These omega-3 fatty acids are uniquely bound to phospholipids, enhancing their absorption. Here is a link to where you can purchase it

Second is Biotin....
Biotin promotes healthy hair, skin, and nails! So the abuse from wigs, character heads, head pieces can be taxing on your hair. I also tend to break nails often during quick changes, and don't forget the abuse our faces take from applying 5 coats of makeup every day before the show. You can use any brand, I feel they all work just as good as eachother, I personally just grab it from GNC when I am already there purchasing other products
You can order this product here.......
Next I use GNC Liquid Triflex. This one is very very important that I take because I find I personally get great results in my joint pain. Now I know I already mentioned a fish oil, but this also contains Glucosamine and Chondroitin which helps rebuild cartilage. This product promotes joint flexibility and mobility. I get the liquid because it gets in your system quicker then tablets. Warning.. this product does not taste very awesome. They way I think of it is, if I can down a shot of Jack, I can manage to throw a shot of this back every morning and just chase it with some OJ. I was experiencing bad knee pain awhile back and within 1 weeks time I felt a noticeable difference and I can tell when I have been skipping doses. You can get this here.....

Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid in the body. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Glutamine is produced in the muscles and is distributed by the blood to the organs it needs. It promotes healing and recovery. I use powder, flavorless Glutamine in my shakes once a day. Glutamine is used for improving recovery after bone marrow transplant or bowel surgery, increasing well-being in people who have suffered traumatic injuries, and preventing infections in critically ill people. You can also take it in pill form, I just prefer to take supplements in liquid or powder form if possible to assure I get the most out of it.

Last would just be a womens multivitamin. I take one that has green tea extract in it also. Green tea slows the breakdown of cartilage and provides relief to patients suffering from arthritis.The antioxidants present in green tea extract are responsible for slowing down the aging process of the body, and it is good to help speed up your metabolism.

This does not complete my personal list of day to day supplements that I consume. I take proteins, pre-workouts, meal replacements, and some times fat burners. I hope that this information becomes useful to those of you who just take your gummy vitamins here and there because they taste fun and look like candy. Take care of your body, because it is the only one you get, and if you want to continue getting a paycheck you may want to keep it as healthy as possible :)

The last scoop is always the saddest :(



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