Saturday, August 31, 2013

Cedar Point summer recap

Soooooo, last year I got lazy and skipped my end of contract Facebook recap of greatness so I wanted to make sure I made it happen this summer :) I have had the pleasure of working with most all of you in prior contracts, and it has been so great to be reunited again this summer. For the most part I would like to think we nailed it this summer. Between the hangovers, reblocks, and late nights there have been many memorable moments in the 3 short months at Cedar Point.

  I guess it would be most appropriate for me to start off by thanking you all for the impressive 14 sets of Dirty donuts this summer, not to mention the donuts that should have been! I do not think I have ever seen even close to that brought in during any of my contracts for 10 years of ice shows, so why don't you all give yourselves a pat on the back. I was enjoying the fact that earning donuts started becoming a contest mid way through the summer. You nailed it guys (literally)

 This summer however was not the summer for cell phones. So my phone which was dropped in a toilet after to many shots last October finally died a slow death this summer. I eventually upgraded and got a new one..... which I then dropped and shattered into a billion pieces only 2 short weeks later! 100$ later I have a almost brand new-brand new phone again. Laura's phone broke and had to be replaced, only to fall into Trey's pool with the new replacement phone still in her pocket. Thanks to Justin who got her, her new-used phone. Kinsey lost her phone in the backseat of some strange mans car and was without it for 5 days, only to have a random bum steal it off the table while she was having dinner in Cleavland.  Another week later she had an actual brand new phone. Lets not forget Courtney's phone being dropped the last week of the summer and breaking her screen. At least the story prompted a very fun safety meeting ;) I  just learned that Amanda also dropped and cracked her screen pretty early into the contract! Yikes we are a bunch of butter fingers.

 During our first few weeks how could we forget when Spiderman (AKA Andy) made a guest apperance during one of our last non dress runs. Topping that off was Ryan and Amanda's special costume debut for their color number in their barely there Nudes! I think they should have used those costumes all summer, would have made for much bigger crowds I am sure. I almost forgot the primary red crayon Saturday crop dusting of death. All I can say is that I am thankful I am in the dog and did not catch a whiff of that on the ice. Random side note: The amount of times poor Dotes forgot to wear show underwear was 3, which is about 3 times to many to shove your boy shorts up your booty ;) Also for you stage right residents, one day while getting ready for Opening, Robin decided to start putting on Kinsey's leo.... on top of her own leo that she was already wearing.

 I would personally like to thank you all for supplying your boobs, butts, tongues, and other body parts for photo shoots with the temporary tats. I have a folder on my computer with over 175 pics of the greatness that you all supplied me with! Your participation in the fun was greatly appreciated. BTW Courtney says she is going to bring fake tats next summer and tell you she has a contest just to get you all naked...... do not fall for it haha

 We had quite the impressive social calendar this summer I would say. Granted I hardly attended any of the late nights, I enjoyed hearing everyone's stories during the van rides to work. Between the Goodwill party, The Pink party, The margarita Monday, the many girls nights and poker nights, Naked and afraid night, The fines party/drinking game palooza, Farm Party, Katie and Trey's place, WWE Raw night, and closing night at crush, I think we did a pretty good job at themed parties!

 To my fellow gym rats I appreciated Sandusky's selection of people watching more so than any summers past! I know Harold usually holds down the fort with his daily selection of crop tops, but he was slacking this summer in his old age. Between the girl in her booty shorts creating her own exercises, the large man in very distracting tight spandex outfits, the elderly woman who hauls ass on the treadmill in a floor length skirt, Mason's twin who was actually a little gym monkey and very fun to watch workout..... I feel like Sandusky's finest joined the gym this summer.

 Laura Hudson: I am sorry for making you face your fears this summer for everyone's amusement with the Gremlins.... if nothing else it made for a great video montage, and amused me greatly!!!!
 Special thanks to Andy and Laura for remaking crayons in heavy metal version. That was by far one of the greatest renditions of that song that could ever be made! I enjoyed hearing the practice runs, the studio version, and the live versions.... horrifying yet amazing :) All the Tuesday kareoke nights were not only very entertaining but just proved how talented everyone really is not only on the ice.

 It's been a great week back at home to say the least, and I hope you all are also settling back in and enjoying some time off skates because I know I sure am!!! ;) Not to mention chopping off the tip of my big toe Monday morning as we were leaving to go to the airport.... to bad it did not happen just one day sooner, we could have added yet another reblock to the list. Thanks roomies for emergency toe surgery, it is starting to slowly heal and not be so fear factor looking any longer.  I will miss you all and can not wait to work/play with you again in the future. Its great groups like we always have in The Dusk that always keep me coming back for more summer after summer(even when I say I am not going to) So thank you all for my 4th fun summer in Sandusky.

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