Sunday, July 28, 2013

Dirty Donuts

Facts and rules of the "Dirty Donut"

 Attention Attention.... Showgirls around the world, this one is IMPORTANT! Donuts..... we all like them, they come in all shapes, sizes, flavors, toppings, and colors... personally give me a sprinkled donut and I am one happy camper!!!! Here is the thing, in showgirl world a donut is no longer a donut, a donut becomes a "Dirty Donut". Shawna please explain!!!.... Oh of course I would love to talk about my favorite subject in all of Ice Show history.


1. If while in  contract you are to have sex with somebody for the very first time, you are to bring donuts in for your cast! End of story!

2. If you are in a relationship, sleeping around with some person you most likely should not be sleeping with, earning donuts every city in the tour, or banging it out with one of your co-workers and expect drama in the workplace, tough!!! Bring the donuts, you earned them weather you should have or not. At the end of the day people WILL find out weather you tell them or not. People talk, we share hotel room walls, shoot... we share hotel rooms, we see things, we hear things, we will find out and we will call you out because we want our damn donuts! Save yourself the drama and just fess up to the crime, and make sure to do so in a timely fashion!

3. Bring enough for everyone! Lets be honest, we are showgirls... we LOVE junk food, we never buy it to have on hand, and when it is around... we WILL act like it is the end of the world and those are the last donuts in existence, and prepare to fight to the death to get the one we want, so just make sure there is enough to go around, and keep in mind there is always someone who will sneak more than one.

4. Variety is important! Not everyone likes cake donuts, not everyone likes chocolate, and believe you me I do not enjoy cream filled, plus I am not all that interested in knowing what you did extra special to earn that one. Variety is best to ensure all your fellow inner fat girls are satisfied. (Attention:) With that being said be observant of your gluten free friends. Being gluten free is more and more common these days, and trust me... they still want to be a fat girl with the rest of us!

5.Keep it light. EVERYONE wants donuts, but not everyone wants to know the dirty details of your night and how you earned those donuts. Some of us are not earning donuts, and it might be quite awhile before we do. Maybe we just want you to bring in those donuts set them down and walk away so that we can enjoy that slutty donut in peace and have sprinkles stuck in our red show lipstick for later.

6. MOST IMPORANT: Shawna loves sprinkles. Bring sprinkle donuts for your good friend Shawna or my inner fat girl (who trust me is always STARVINGGGGGG) will find you and punch you in the face ;) But seriously..........

 With all of that said have fun with it, as I always say "Dirty Donuts; when one person wins, we all win" Maybe my advice to you is just not to be a raging Whore-a-sarus Rex, do not sleep with your friends man, and don't make it so that your friends are afraid to spare your numbers and put on your show costumes. Besides that.... you go for it, and bring me my sprinkles :)

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